
mr. jones and me tell each other fairytales

Wow I haven't updated this in like half a month. I've been really busy with projects and quizzes and tests at school and stuff. One reason high school sucks so bad is because the teachers don't talk to each other and plan out when they're going to have projects and stuff. You can have four tests one week then none the next. It sucks pretty bad and is really overwhelming. On a better note, there's only about twenty seven days of school left. Not counting weekends and days off, but counting early release and midterm days. Caroline and I did the March of Dimes for premature babies. We walked five miles in the pouring rain basically and my poncho ripped. That wasn't fun. I ran the mile in gym and got twelve minutes. Which is good for me. I made Caroline a bracelet that said "someone loves my penis" but she broke it. It's okay. The merman story was finished. I cried. For a long time. But it was a happy cry, not a sad cry. If you want to know why it was happy you should read the story for yourself. I've also been sitting out in the sun and I've grown some more freckles. I was talking to Kevin (Pitts) on IM and I was like "Someone's pmsing" because he was basically throwing a conniption, then he was like "what if I am?" and I was like "well that would be weird, because you don't have a uterus. I hope." and he was like "I have a dickerus." It was pretty funny. Kevin is like retarded though. Just stuarting you. Speaking of Kevin, me and him were talking today about the hawk turtle. If you don't know who that is you should ask me so I can fill you in with this information. I don't have any updates on my theory of evolution, but I did watch this show about dolphins the other day because I was like "hm, I'll study up on dolphins so I can prove my theory correctly." then it was like these boy dolphins raping this other boy dolphin I was like =O! You could see their pee pees and everything it was pretty graphic. You know, I might have already said that in the last blog. Maybe not. I don't care.

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