
take it easy (love nothing)

so more about ancient peni. I know that I talk about it too much but it's not my fault people back then were obsessed with it. Mrs. Welch was showing us pictures from when she went to Rome and Pompeii and I guess that the people there thought that peni was good luck. So everyone had a statue of one outside their house. And whenever they'd leave they would rub the peni for good luck. I just basically burst out laughing while she was talking about it. I mean, put it all together. "Rub the peni for good luck!" No. I will not. I will not rub the peni. Why? that is wrong. The people in Pompeii were also whores, like, literally. They were considered a brothel city. Which means like. Whores. Anyways, enough about the peni whores. School today sucked ass. Why? everyone in A lunch are fucking annoying pieces of shit. That's why. In case you were wondering.
I kind of wanted to go on the school trip to Paris and London next year because it sounds really fun. Except it's roughly $2,500... so that's a negative. Waste of money. I do need to get a job though... like, badly. I need money. That's why. I owe the library like $15. It sucks pretty bad because I can't get my report card until I pay it and I don't have the $15 to pay it at the moment. So no report card. I would like to just have money on me all the time though. That would be really cool. I hate being dependant on other people for money and stuff.

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