

yes, this is what I am writing about today. the man who is pregnant. I was in the bathroom putting my eyeliner on this mourning and I hear Courtney in the living room and she's like "whoa. a guy is pregnant." so naturally, I was like "nu uh." but yes. he is pregnant. technically, he's a woman well not really actually. I'm sure the men with sex reassignment surgery don't like being called women. I guess he used to be a woman (<--- you can tell that he's a woman. look how big his nips are.)but then didn't want to be one anymore so now he's a man. If I was a man, hypothetically speaking, okay, if I was a man and I was having all that morning sickness missed period shit I wouldn't think to like, go get a pregnancy test and take it. But he did, anyways, back with my story because I kind of got off track, okay, if I was a man and was having all that pregnancy stuff happen- WHOA WAIT! if I was a man I wouldn't be having my period because men don't get their period so... this is too much for me. OKAY, so disregarding whether he gets his period or whatever so I'd go to the store and I'd get one of those little things that you pee on. Then I'd pee on it... with my penis (even though I'm sure this guy didn't have a penis because he was like made with a vagina. and I was watching this show about sex reassignment surgery on the tv and the guy was like "it's easier to dig a hole than make a pole... ANYWAYS)... and then it would show up blue or with a little plus sign or something then I'd go and read the directions and be like "okay hmmm what does little blue plus sign mean?" then I'd see what it meant and then it would say positive. then I'd just be like "shit."
Anyways, I guess i'm happy for this guy because he said that he was happy that he was pregnant. A lot of people are like "ew no blehblehbleh gross.." but idk. I mean, idk. I'm just like. Whoa. pregnant man.

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