
the best part of believe is the lie

Mrs. Sherman isn't happy about the 'inappropriate' picture that I drew on my 'who killed the electric car' movie notes. I don't understand why... it was a good picture, I mean, like, raping is a very serious matter but when it involves tony lavato and pete wentz it's not that serious because you know that they both want it. badly. it's not like it was graphic or anything. there were no penises. is that the plural for penis? or is it like, peni? like... cacti. I think peni is a little less dangerous that cacti though, because cacti hurt. I have this mini cactus, and one time it was dark in my room and I was feeling around for the light switch and accidentally grabbed it. note to self: do not put cactus near light switch.
today I basically sat in my bedroom and watched all the harry potters. because my life is the saddest one you will ever know. but I think, well, at least I'm not like certain people I know who are trying to be people that they really aren't. that's annoying.
this week is my help week. Monday is going to be environment help, where I clean my room. Tuesday is going to be family help, where I'm not going to start any fights. Wednesday is going to be stinky help, where I give stink a bath and pedicure. Thursday is going to be academic help, where I get caught up on homework and stuff. and Friday is going to be self help. where I relax. it's going to be pretty nice I think, 'cause all of that stuff needs lots of help, really.
my story is coming along well, but I started a new one that I think has a better storyline. I write good story lines. I've got about two zillion in the back of my mind just waiting to be put on paper. I just don't get around to it, because I'm lazy. very lazy.
I'm tired of people just talking to me or being nice to me because they want something from me. like a cd or something. well, I'll tell you what, I'm not going to be doing any special shit for anyone unless they're: Max, Camille, Josh, Brock, Riley,Jimmy, Julia, Natalie, Shannon, Caroline, or Mon. because I've fucking had it with everyone else.

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