Kay so today we watched a movie in world studies. That did not involve peni, so there was no point in watching it. So I just stole mon's planner and wrote all this stuff in it. It was funny. Her planner smells like her, which is a good smell. Speaking of Mon, we just had a whole lolcat conversation over aim. I'll copy and paste it if you want.
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: we has cheezburgers
urban lifexdecay: no you be steelin my cheezburger
urban lifexdecay: itz my cheezburger
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: not yurs
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: i can has.
urban lifexdecay: i noe shares
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: ceiling cat doez not approves
urban lifexdecay: haha
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: you goes to basemunt
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: lol
urban lifexdecay: i can play wit basemunt cat
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: in firey pit of d00m
urban lifexdecay: oh noes!
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: and still you can't has mai cheezburger.
urban lifexdecay: plz?!
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: if you give teh walrus his bukkit bak
urban lifexdecay: I NO HAS BUKKIT!
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: fine
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: we splits cheezburger
urban lifexdecay: kthnksby
Xx SoxGrl xX 33: hahahahaha
It's probably the longest human lolcat conversation in history. Actually, probably not but that's okay. Me and Mon are Incan lolcats. We witnessed hundreds of our kind slaughtered on the movie in world studies today. A peice of my heart broke off. I wished it was more about peni thoguh, because peni makes everything so much more interesting. idk but miserylovedme over at livejournal is going to create a hooker AU story. It's going to be great I think, because, well, I love those stories. Guilty pleasure, right there. There isn't much left to blog about I guess, except that vacation is coming up and I am so excited. Seriously, like, I am going to sleep like the whole time. The WHOLE time. I mean it. You wish you had a best friend that looked like this: 
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