
toes are a luxury, not a right

I hate people who can't spell. Or people that don't use proper grammar. Or people who use aim slang in everyday life, like, u, r, tho, wat, 4, 2, and countless others. It just bugs me so much. The only site where words like that are acceptable is lolcats. Or, icanhascheezburger.com. Those cats are so hilarious. Anyways, when I was reading creedthoughts today, he was talking about how toes are a privilege. I totally agree with him. Be thankful that you have toes, I think people take them for granted.
I think someone needs to do something about the Internet. I've been trying to listen to the song Country Grammar by Nelly and none that I try are working. I'm seriously getting like, pissed off. This is B.S. Oh no, wait, one that I just clicked on worked. Never mind. I'm like, singing now. I love this song.
Today in math we looked at pictures of rods (that's what she said). They are these things that can't be seen by the human eye, and they're like wiggly and some of them look like vagina's. They're really weird, but I don't think they're real. Mon thinks that they're just bugs or something, and they do look like bugs. That's probably what they are, except, Mr. Banks showed us a picture of one that was about four feet long and I've never seen a bug that big. If I ever saw a bug that big I'd probably have a heart attack, because I do not like bugs and I giant one would just be too much.
Do you know what a jackalope is? It's this cute little bunny with deer antlers. I would like one for a pet or something, if I like, filed the antlers down so they wouldn't stab me. Of course, they're on the cryptozoology list. Which means they're probably not real. They're just like bigfoot, or the loch ness monster, or el chupacabra. This great little link (http://ww2.lafayette.edu/~hollidac/jacksforreal.html) will take you to pictures of bunnies infected with the Shope papillomavirus. Which makes them have funny things grow off their heads. It's kind of creepy actually, but, well, I don't think I'd want one as a pet anymore actually. You can have one if you want.
Okay you guys. This is a thylacine. Isn't it frigging like, amazing? Do you see the size of it's jaw gape? That's not a drawing. It's an actual picture of it. Of course, it's also on the cryptozoology list. It was an actual animal, but it's extinct now. I guess it's a marsupial, and it's other name is the Tasmanian tiger, because it has like, tiger stripes on it's back. I think it's pretty cool. I used to be obsessed with them back in like, third grade, but not anymore. People think that they still exist, and if someone captures it or something, they'll get a $100,000 reward. I think I'm going to go try to find it, but of course, I've had other plans to go find other animals on the cryptozoology list, but those never seem to work. I was going to get some sort of fishing vessel to find Nessie last year, and did I? No. The fucking boat cost $4,000.

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