
iz writein yew a choreus. here iz yer vurse.

tuday I akshully did mai algebrauh homewerk. it was teh furst time evr mebbe. i had a neyec fud aftur skool. ice creem. i was leik NOM NOM NOM. i want a nudder 1 but has noe moar moneys. allso went 2 pquod aftur skool and saw ppls. nao i wnts a kitteh 2 make purrito. yew can has 2 if yew want. i can shares. there was a hoomin man at teh liebraree aftur skool allso he had raybeez mebbe. tylur kaidun is a YNG. which meens yung nekkid guy. that iz all i has fur nao. yew shuld come bak tumorro mebbe.

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