Mood: scrunchy
Music: not good enough for a true cliche - escape the fate

So most of you probably don't know who Tyler Kayden is. Except Caroline, Monica and possibly Julia. Anyways, Tyler Kayden is a gay emo porn star. Yes, you heard right. Not anything unusual though, because, I mean, me an Caroline are odd people. As you probably already know. Anyways, he's really amazing and he looks like this person from our school. I'm not going to say his name for confidential purposes, I'm just saying. Like, identical twins. Possibly. Except the person that he looks like is a ginger, and Tyler Kayden is not a ginger. Obviously. As you can probably see in his picture. Actually, he's a natural brunette. Yep. He's really adorable. I had to crop his butt out of the picture, because photobucket always makes me take it off because it's inappropriate. And most of you probably wouldn't want to see that anyways. So, I'm signing off. Right now. That's all, folks.
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