music: cars going by on the street
mood: chilly
I think one of the things Illinois is known for is it's cold nights. It may be warm during the day, but at night the temperature just drops. Kind of like the desert. Jimmy insists on having the window fan on constantly, sucking the cold air in, and here I am... with a gigantic ugly maroon and puke green ten pound sweater on. And fuzzy pants. And like inch thick wool socks. I am in this really crappy mood and to make myself feel better I want to be listening to the cure, but Kevin's fucking laptop won't open windows media player. I want to rip my eyeballs out of my skull. Seriously, don't you ever get that feeling? When you just want to destroy your eyeballs? That's like 40% of my life. Anyways, it's pretty nice here besides the fact that it's cold. I mean, it just happens to be the greatest city in America in my opinion. It's supposed to be like 72 degrees tomorrow. That should be nice. I went to a few places today... Lincoln park, the navy pier... um. A gas station. I helped my Nani make pasta, because she makes her own pasta because she's like, a real Italian. Not that people who don't make their own pasta aren't really Italian... just, I mean, she's old. So, she makes her own pasta.
I decided that when I get back to Maine, I'm going to delete my myspace. Jimmy did too, because myspace is gay. And we'd rather be like emo loners and shit. But at least we're not like posing to be these like indie rock groupies that don't shower... so... yeah? cool? I'll be home Thursday. But I probably won't want to go out right away because I'll be tired. So don't ask.
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