
..............camille is in my bed

I know that I haven't updated in a while and that's been due to a few things I guess: busyness, boredom, I'm stressed out, and I am sick. I've been doing stupid yard work with my mom like, ever single day and that's getting really annoying. Nothing interesting has happened since I last updated though. Kevin and I went to the farmer's market the other day and I kept eating random grapes and then he'd yell at me because they weren't paid for. Me and Mon made this like, plan. I don't remember all the details but I'm going to be like a drug dealer and I'm like going to import drugs from other countries, by putting them in Caroline's butt. Then when they get here Mon is going to get them to the people who like, ordered them. It's going to be a pretty good deal. After a while, we're going to sell Caroline as a slave or something and get all her money. Nothing interesting, other than that has happened I guess. Nope. Nothing.

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